Command Line Interface
usage: vpt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arguments]
Possible choices: run-segmentation, prepare-segmentation, run-segmentation-on-tile, compile-tile-segmentation, derive-entity-metadata, partition-transcripts, sum-signals, update-vzg, convert-geometry, convert-to-ome, convert-to-rgb-ome, extract-image-patch, generate-segmentation-metrics
- --processes
Number of parallel processes to use when executing locally
- --aws-profile-name
Named profile for AWS access
- --aws-access-key
AWS access key from key / secret pair
- --aws-secret-key
AWS secret from key / secret pair
- --gcs-service-account-key
Path to a google service account key json file. Not needed if google authentication is performed using gcloud
- --verbose
Display progress messages during execution
- --profile-execution-time
Path to profiler output file
- --log-level
Log level value. Level is specified as a number from 1 - 5, corresponding to debug, info, warning, error, crit
- --log-file
Path to log output file. If not provided, logs are written to standard output
Top-level interface for this CLI which invokes the segmentation functionality of the tool. It is intended for users who would like to run the program with minimal additional configuration. Specifically, it executes: prepare-segmentation, run-segmentation-on-tile, and compile-tile-segmentation.
vpt [OPTIONS] run-segmentation [arguments]
Required arguments
- --segmentation-algorithm
Path to a json file that fully specifies the segmentation algorithm to use, including algorithm name, any algorithm specific parameters (including path to weights for new model), stains corresponding to each channel in the algorithm.
- --input-images
Input images can be specified in one of three ways:
- The path to a directory of tiff files if the files are named by the MERSCOPE convention.
Example: /path/to/files/
- The path to a directory of tiff files including a python formatting string specifying the file name.
Example: /path/to/files/image_{stain}_z{z}.tif
- A regular expression matching the tiff files to be used
Example: /path/to/files/mosaic_(?P<stain>[\w|-]+)_z(?P<z>[0-9]+).tif
If a formatting string or regular expression are used, it must return values for
(as in the examples above).- --input-micron-to-mosaic
Path to the micron to mosaic pixel transformation matrix.
- --output-path
Directory where the segmentation specification json file will be saved as segmentation_specification.json and where the final segmentation results will be saved.
Optional arguments
- --tile-size
Number of pixels for the width and height of each tile. Each tile is created as a square. Default: 4096.
- --tile-overlap
Overlap between adjacent tiles. Default: 10% of tile size.
- --max-row-group-size
Maximum number of rows in row groups inside output parquet files. Cannot be less than 1000
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Generates a segmentation specification json file to be used for cell segmentation tasks. The segmentation specification json includes specification for the algorithm to run, the paths for all images for each stain for each z index, the micron to mosaic pixel transformation matrix, the number of tiles, and the window coordinates for each tile.
vpt [OPTIONS] prepare-segmentation [arguments]
Required arguments
- --segmentation-algorithm
Path to a json file that fully specifies the segmentation algorithm to use, including algorithm name, any algorithm specific parameters (including path to weights for new model), stains corresponding to each channel in the algorithm.
- --input-images
Input images can be specified in one of three ways:
- The path to a directory of tiff files if the files are named by the MERSCOPE convention.
Example: /path/to/files/
- The path to a directory of tiff files including a python formatting string specifying the file name.
Example: /path/to/files/image_{stain}_z{z}.tif
- A regular expression matching the tiff files to be used
Example: /path/to/files/mosaic_(?P<stain>[\w|-]+)_z(?P<z>[0-9]+).tif
If a formatting string or regular expression are used, it must return values for
(as in the examples above).- --output-path
Path where the segmentation specification json file will be saved.
- --input-micron-to-mosaic
Path to the micron to mosaic pixel transformation matrix.
Optional arguments
- --tile-size
Number of pixels for the width and height of each tile. Each tile is created as a square. Default is 4096.
- --tile-overlap
Overlap between adjacent tiles. Default is 10% of tile-size.
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Executes the segmentation algorithm on a specific tile of the mosaic images. This functionality is intended both for visualizing a preview of the segmentation (run only one tile), and for distributing jobs using an orchestration tool such as Nextflow.
vpt [OPTIONS] run-segmentation-on-tile [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-segmentation-parameters
Json file generate by --prepare-segmentation that fully specifies the segmentation to run
- --tile-index
Index of the tile to run the segmentation on
Optional arguments
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Combines the per-tile segmentation outputs into a single, internally-consistent parquet file containing all of the segmentation boundaries found in the experiment.
vpt [OPTIONS] compile-tile-segmentation [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-segmentation-parameters
Json file generated by prepare-segmentation that fully specifies the segmentation to run.
Optional arguments
- --max-row-group-size
Maximum number of rows in row groups inside output parquet files. Cannot be less than 1000
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Uses the segmentation boundaries to calculate the geometric attributes of each Entity. These attributes include the position, volume, and morphological features.
vpt [OPTIONS] derive-entity-metadata [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-boundaries
Path to a micron-space parquet boundary file.
- --output-metadata
Path to the output csv file where the entity metadata will be stored.
Optional arguments
- --input-entity-by-gene
Path to an existing entity by gene csv.
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Uses the segmentation boundaries to determine which Entity, if any, contains each detected transcript. Outputs an Entity by gene matrix, and may optionally output a detected transcript csv with an additional column indicating the containing Entity.
vpt [OPTIONS] partition-transcripts [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-boundaries
Path to a micron-space parquet boundary file.
- --input-transcripts
Path to an existing transcripts csv or parquet file.
- --output-entity-by-gene
Path to output the Entity by gene matrix csv file.
Optional arguments
- --chunk-size
Number of transcript file lines to be loaded in memory at once. Default: 10,000,000
- --output-transcripts
If a filename is provided, a copy of the detected transcripts file will be written with an additional column with the EntityID of the cell or other Entity that contains each transcript (or -1 if the transcript is not contained by any Entity).
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Uses the segmentation boundaries to find the intensity of each mosaic image in each Entity. Outputs both the summed intensity of the raw images and the summed intensity of high-pass filtered images (reduces the effect of background fluorescence).
vpt [OPTIONS] sum-signals [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-images
Input images can be specified in one of three ways:
- The path to a directory of tiff files if the files are named by the MERSCOPE convention.
Example: /path/to/files/
- The path to a directory of tiff files including a python formatting string specifying the file name.
Example: /path/to/files/image_{stain}_z{z}.tif
- A regular expression matching the tiff files to be used
Example: /path/to/files/mosaic_(?P<stain>[\w|-]+)_z(?P<z>[0-9]+).tif
If a formatting string or regular expression are used, it must return values for
(as in the examples above).- --input-boundaries
Path to a micron-space .parquet boundary file.
- --input-micron-to-mosaic
Path to the micron to mosaic pixel transformation matrix.
- --output-csv
Path to the csv file where the sum intensities will be stored.
Optional arguments
- --overwrite
Set true if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be overwritten.
Updates an existing .vzg file with new segmentation boundaries and the corresponding expression matrix. NOTE: This functionality requires enough disk space to unpack the existing .vzg file.
vpt [OPTIONS] update-vzg [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-vzg
Path to an existing vzg file.
- --input-boundaries
Path to a micron-space parquet boundary file.
- --input-entity-by-gene
Path to the Entity by gene csv file.
- --output-vzg
Path where the updated vzg should be saved.
Optional arguments
- --input-metadata
Path to an existing entity metadata file.
- --input-entity-type
Entity type name for detections in input boundaries file.
- --temp-path
Path for temporary folder for unzipping vzg file.
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Converts entity boundaries produced by a different tool into a vpt compatible parquet file. In the process, each of the input entities is checked for geometric validity, overlap with other geometries, and assigned a globally-unique EntityID to facilitate other processing steps.
vpt [OPTIONS] convert-geometry [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-boundaries
Regular expression that matches all input segmentation files (geojson or hdf5) that will be processed.
- --output-boundaries
The path to the parquet file where segmentation compatible with vpt will be saved.
Optional arguments
- --convert-to-3D
Pass if segmentation should be converted from 2D to 3D by replication. Only possible for geojson and parquet input formats.
- --input-micron-to-mosaic
Path to the transformation matrix.
- --number-z-planes
The number of z planes that should be produced during the conversion from 2D to 3D. Should be specified only if the "--convert-to-3D" argument is passed
- --spacing-z-planes
Step size between z-planes, assuming that z-index 0 is 1 “step” above zero. Should be specified only if the "--convert-to-3D" argument is passed
- --output-entity-type
String with entity type name. For example: cell, nuclei. Default: cell
- --id-mapping-file
Path to csv file where map from source segmentation entity id to EntityID in result will be saved.
- --entity-fusion-strategy
String with entity fusion strategy name. One from list: harmonize, union, larger. Default: harmonize
- --max-row-group-size
Maximum number of rows in row groups inside output parquet files. Cannot be less than 1000
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Transforms the large 16-bit mosaic tiff images produced by the MERSCOPE into a OME pyramidal tiff.
vpt [OPTIONS] convert-to-ome [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-image
Either a path to a directory or a path to a specific file.
Optional arguments
- --output-image
Either a path to a directory or a path to a specific file.
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Converts up to three flat tiff images into a rgb OME-tiff pyramidal images. If a rgb channel input isn’t specified, the channel will be dark (all 0’s).
vpt [OPTIONS] convert-to-rgb-ome [arguments]
Required arguments
- --output-image
Either a path to a directory or a path to a specific file
Optional arguments
- --input-image-red
Either a path to a directory or a path to a specific file
- --input-image-green
Either a path to a directory or a path to a specific file
- --input-image-blue
Either a path to a directory or a path to a specific file
- --overwrite
Extracts a patch of specified coordinates and channels from the 16-bit mosaic tiff images produced by the MERSCOPE as an 8-bit RGB PNG file
vpt [OPTIONS] extract-image-patch [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-images
Input images can be specified in one of three ways:
- The path to a directory of tiff files if the files are named by the MERSCOPE convention.
Example: /path/to/files/
- The path to a directory of tiff files including a python formatting string specifying the file name.
Example: /path/to/files/image_{stain}_z{z}.tif
- A regular expression matching the tiff files to be used
Example: /path/to/files/mosaic_(?P<stain>[\w|-]+)_z(?P<z>[0-9]+).tif
If a formatting string or regular expression are used, it must return values for
(as in the examples above).- --input-micron-to-mosaic
Path to the micron to mosaic pixel transformation matrix.
- --output-patch
Path to the patch PNG file, will append .png to the end if not included in file name.
- --center-x
MERSCOPE Vizualizer X coordinate in micron space that will serve as the center of the saved PNG patch
- --center-y
MERSCOPE Vizualizer Y coordinate in micron space that will serve as the center of the saved PNG patch
- --green-stain-name
The name of the stain that will be used for the green channel of the patch
Optional arguments
- --size-x
Number of microns for the width of the patch. Default: 108.
- --size-y
Number of microns for the height of the patch. Default: 108.
- --input-z-index
The Z plane of the mosaic tiff images to use for the patch. Default: 2.
- --red-stain-name
The name of the stain that will be used for the red channel of the patch. Default: None.
- --blue-stain-name
The name of the stain that will be used for the blue channel of the patch. Default: None.
- --normalization
The name of the normalization method that will be used on each channel of the patch. Default: None.
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Computes a number of segmentation metrics and figures to assess the quality of cell segmentation
vpt [OPTIONS] generate-segmentation-metrics [arguments]
Required arguments
- --input-entity-by-gene
Path to the Entity by gene csv file.
- --input-metadata
Path to the output csv file where the entity metadata will be stored.
- --input-transcripts
Path to an existing transcripts csv file.
- --input-boundaries
Path to a micron-space parquet boundary file.
- --input-micron-to-mosaic
Path to the micron to mosaic pixel transformation matrix.
- --output-csv
Path to the csv file where segmentation metrics will be stored.
Optional arguments
- --input-images
Input images can be specified in one of three ways:
- The path to a directory of tiff files if the files are named by the MERSCOPE convention.
Example: /path/to/files/
- The path to a directory of tiff files including a python formatting string specifying the file name.
Example: /path/to/files/image_{stain}_z{z}.tif
- A regular expression matching the tiff files to be used
Example: /path/to/files/mosaic_(?P<stain>[\w|-]+)_z(?P<z>[0-9]+).tif
If a formatting string or regular expression are used, it must return values for
(as in the examples above).- --experiment-name
The name of the experiment to be used as the index in the output csv and segmentation report. Default: Analysis Timestamp.
- --output-report
Path to the output HTML file, will append .html to the end if not included in file name.
- --output-clustering
Path where the Cell categories Parquet files with clustering results will be saved.
- --input-z-index
The Z plane of the mosaic tiff images to use for the patch. Default: 2.
- --red-stain-name
The name of the stain that will be used for the red channel in images. Default: None.
- --green-stain-name
The name of the stain that will be used for the red channel in images. Default: PolyT.
- --blue-stain-name
The name of the stain that will be used for the blue channel in images. Default: DAPI.
- --normalization
The name of the normalization method that will be used on each channel. Default: CLAHE.
- --transcript-count-filter-threshold
The cell transcript count threshold used for computing metrics and clustering. Default: 100.
- --volume-filter-threshold
The cell volume threshold used for computing metrics and clustering. Default: 200.
- --overwrite
Set flag if you want to use non empty directory and agree that files can be over-written.
Run 'vpt COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.